SAMOK informs
SAMOK informs

Information: Board member’s resignation

The Board has today approved Board Member Jenna Jourio’s request for resignation, from 30.5. The reason for resignation is health and personal matter. Jourio is on sick leave until the 30.5, so if needed, please contact anyone from SAMOKs office. The Board has also...

SAMOK informsNews

Back to campus checklist

Students have been away from campuses for nearly two years, studying remotely all alone. This period is now coming to an end, but what if returning to campus is making you tense or dubious? Adapting to a new everyday routins can be tough and you may experience new...

SAMOK informs

Students, use your vote in advance!

Advance voting has become even more important for students after the municipal election was postponed. A significant portion of students move away from where they study for the summer months, which is why advance voting is a good way for students to make a...