National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK

Lapinrinne 2 | 00180 HELSINKI
samok (a)
first name.last name (a)

SAMOK’s billing information can be found here.

Our office is located in Helsinki at Lapinrinne 2, next to the B-ladder.

If the matter concerns a student card (ordering a card, paying for an academic year sticker, the effect of changing a university of applied sciences on the card, etc.), contact your student union directly.

Clicking on a “READ MORE” will open a more detailed profile of what they do at SAMOK.

The Board

Julia Väänänen

Julia Väänänen


050 389 1000
[email protected]

Political lobbying and leadership, political programme

Godparent to Student Unions: JAMKO, METKA


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I’m Julia, the Chairperson of SAMOK. I am responsible for political advocacy, leading the work of the board, coordinating the Union’s new political program, and implementing the strategy adopted in 2024. Additionally, my role involves a lot of representation work and close collaboration with the Executive Director.

In my free time, I particularly enjoy traveling, spending time at the summer cottage, reading, and being in nature. I also consume a lot of light-hearted TV shows, but especially during election years, I love watching (small) party debates!

Sanja Laitinen-Lindelöf

Sanja Laitinen-Lindelöf


050 300 1550
[email protected]

Political lobbying and leadership, FSHS, generation policy, student unions

Anti-harassment liaison officer

Godparent to Student Unions: KOE, KAMO, SAVOTTA, ROTKO, OSAKO



I’m Sanja, the Vice Chairperson of SAMOK’s board. I am responsible for political advocacy and leadership, working closely with the Union’s Chairperson and Executive Director. My areas of responsibility include student health and well-being, pensions, and the Union’s mentorship activities.

I want to help enable and support experiences of societal participation. It is important to me to make more visible the learning and influence pathways on which our shared well-being is built.

I spend my free time playing games at home and taking care of my rabbits. Traveling, cafés, bookstores, and nature are close to my heart.

Ilona Hirvonen

Ilona Hirvonen


045 809 4116
[email protected]

International organisational relations, EU, services, fundraising

Anti-harassment liaison officer

Godparent to Student Unions: O’Diako, Tamko, HAMKO, Samo, VAMOK



I’m Ilona, a board member of SAMOK. My responsibilities include international organizational relations and EU advocacy. Additionally, I am in charge of services and fundraising.

It is important for me to promote equal opportunities and holistic well-being for students. I believe that every student should have the same chances to succeed and feel well in their daily life.

I love spending my free time with friends. One of our regular activities is music bingo, which adds a little excitement to everyday life. At home, my dog Aino is waiting for me, and I enjoy immersing myself in books or TV series.

Taru Kyllönen

Taru Kyllönen


040 417 4666
[email protected]

Housing, livelihood, communication, elections

Godparent to Student Unions: Kaakko, HUMAKO, Helga, Copsa, SAMMAKKO



I’m Taru, a board member of SAMOK. I work with issues related to student income and housing, communications, and elections.

In my free time, I especially enjoy taking naps (especially with cats), crafting, and playing games. On the other hand, I also love being on the move and am easily persuaded to try new things.

Elina Liekkinen

Elina Liekkinen


050 360 9376
[email protected]

Education policy, international students

Godparent to Student Unions: Laureamko, ASK, Novium, SkÅHla, Poka

Languages:   Ruotsin kieli 


I’m Elina, a board member of SAMOK. In the board, I am responsible for education policy and matters concerning international students and home-based internationalization.

In my free time, I enjoy knitting, reading, and spending time with my cat. I also actively follow current politics and social discussions.


Vellu Taskila

Vellu Taskila


044 238 5384
[email protected]

Leading the personnel and advisory work, relations with other NGOs and financial management

Godparent to Student Unions: Tamko, Humako, Jamko


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I’m Vellu, other manifestation of SAMOK’s management. At SAMOK, I am responsible for the operation and development of the administration and I am the staff supervisor.

In my free time, I cycle and engage in related advocacy activities, read, do a cycling podcast, and produce dad jokes.

Johanna Fonsell

Johanna Fonsell


050 389 1014
[email protected]

Education policy and student union financing

Godparent to Student Unions: Poka, METKA, Samo, Vamok


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I’m Johanna, SAMOK’s education policy expert. The biggest things on my desk are funding and higher educational institution steering, as well as the development and quality of higher education. In practice, this includes investigation, discussions, writing, participating in working groups, and presenting SAMOK’s views on e.g. annual tuition fees, student feedback, quality systems, the development of teaching, research, development and innovation activities, digitalisation, student admissions, and degree structures.

In addition to education policy affairs, I coordinate SAMOK’s advocacy activities. It is my responsibility to ensure that SAMOK always has a plan for who to meet and when and what information should be generated at any given time. The entire office is involved in the implementation of such plans.

I spend my free time with my family and travelling between three major cities. I live in an old wooden house in Turku, so I also get to enjoy both minor and major home renovation activities in my free time.

Roosa Veijola

Roosa Veijola

International Affairs and EU Advocacy Adviser

050 389 1012
[email protected]

European Union, international lobbying and international organisational cooperation

Godparent to Student Unions: KOE, O’Diako, Kaakko, Sammakko


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I’m Roosa, SAMOK’s specialist in European policy and international affairs

In practice, I plan and implement SAMOK’s EU advocacy work in matters that affect students and maintain our relations with student organisations in other European countries and our umbrella organisation ESU (European Students’ Union). I also represent Finnish UAS students at meetings of the ESU. It is also my responsibility to promote the equality of international students compared to domestic students, which in practice means facilitating entry into Finland, livelihood, integration and employment. My duties also include the internationalisation of Finnish students, which includes exchange and internship periods abroad as well as internationalisation in Finland.

In addition to working on internationalisation, I have carried out several projects at SAMOK, such as several Europe Information projects and the Equality in Higher Education Institutions project.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends, exercising, hobbies and travelling. My favourite hobbies right now include ceramics, tennis, HIIT and yoga. I also enjoy playing boards, animals, sunsets, hanging out leisurely, immersing in conversations, swimming in natural waters, music and good food.

Julia Ståhle

Julia Ståhle


044 283 1617
[email protected]

Students’ health and wellbeing

Anti-harassment liaison officer

Godparent to Student Unions: ASK, Copsa, Novium, SkÅHla


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I’m Julia, and I’m the SAMOK Social Policy Advisor. My responsibilities include student health, well-being, and equality issues.

In the area of health and wellness, I work with the FSHS and do advocacy work related to it. It is my responsibility to take an active role in ensuring that student healthcare is of the highest quality and that its availability meets today’s needs. Other things in my purview include for instance therapy guarantee issues.

In my free time, I enjoy being with my family and friends. I also spend a lot of time in nature – either cosily at the cottage or orienteering When lounging on the sofa, I most prefer to watch horror or reality shows.

Erica Alaluusua

Erica Alaluusua


040 773 1854
[email protected]

Students’ social security and benefit systems, student housing, equality

Godparent to Student Unions: OSAKO, Kamo, Laureamko


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I’m Erica, social policy specialist at SAMOK. I work with students’ livelihoods, benefit systems, housing and equality.

In terms of income and benefit systems, I am responsible for advocacy work related to students’ social security. The most important issues in my work include the student financial aid reform and the social security reform. In student housing, we work actively to ensure that students have the opportunity to live in reasonably priced housing with good transport connections.

Equality is an important aspect of my work, especially in various trainings and orientations. In addition, I am involved in equality planning within SAMOK and am also responsible for accessibility issues in advocacy work.

In addition to national advocacy activities, I train and support student unions in local advocacy work.

Aleksi Airaksinen

Aleksi Airaksinen


044 051 9521
[email protected]

Events, trainings and communication

Anti-harassment liaison officer

Godparent to Student Unions: Hamko, Helga, Rotko, SAVOTTA


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I’m Aleksi, SAMOK’s communications and services advisor. I’m responsible for implementing and coordinating communications, events and training and for managing partnerships.

I coordinate communications and provide instructions and training when necessary. In practice, my duties includes assisting in releasing statements, maintaining the website and coordinating social media communications. I also do content production and proofreading. I edit SAMOK’s newsletter together with the board member responsible for communications, I am responsible for the implementing the communications strategy and ensuring it is up-to-date, and I am involved in the planning of influencer communications.

I am also responsible for planning, organising and marketing events and for communciation related to events. My work also includes developing and coordinating services, planning training related to various projects and serving as a sparring partner.

In addition to these, I am responsible for SAMOK’s fundraising and partnerships.

In my free time I enjoy travelling, badminton and good food and wine.