General Assembly of the National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences SAMOK

The highest decision-making power in our union is exercised by the General Assembly. Students from 22 universities of applied sciences come to the event to represent their student unions. The General Assembly is a thrilling and somewhat exhausting event, but definitely also one of the highlights of the year!

The agenda of the General Assembly of 2024 includes, among other things, SAMOK’s action plan and the election of the Board of Directors for 2025, the strategy, the housing policy paper and the policy paper on student selection and open university of applied sciences education..

SAMOK’s General Assembly will be held on 31 October – 1 November 2024 in Jyväskylä. The Assembly will start with a pre-event gathering and a candidate panel discussion on Wednesday 30 October.

You can participate in the General Assembly on social media by using the hashtag #samokliko.

Candidates for SAMOK’s Board for 2025

You can find out more about the candidates here at the fall.

For more information for candidates, click here.

Schedule for the General Assembly

Wednesday 30.10. (General Assembly pre-day)
13.00 Welcome
13.15 Practices of the General Assembly
14.00 Break
14.15 Test vote
14.30 Panel for the candidates
15.45 Break 
16.00 Candidate market
18.00 JAMKOs evening program
19.30 Moving to the evening reception
20.00 Evening reception at Jyväskylä City Hall

Thursday 31.10.
08.30 Registration starts
10.00 Union meeting starts, opening of the meeting
10.30 Opening speech
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Meeting continues
16.00 Working groups start their work
18.00 Dinner
19.00 Working groups continue

Friday 1.11.
9.00 Meeting continues
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Meeting continues
18.00 End of the meeting (estimated time)

Follow on social media #samokliko #samokförbundsmöte

Contact person for practical matters at the General Assembly

Veeti Mieskonen

Veeti Mieskonen


050 329 7706
[email protected]

Administration and event production

Vellu Taskila

Vellu Taskila


044 238 5384
[email protected]

Leading the personnel and advisory work, relations with other NGOs and economic management

Media contact person

Aleksi Airaksinen

Aleksi Airaksinen


044 051 9521
[email protected]

Events, trainings and communication

Harassment liaison officers at the General Assembly