Services for members

We provide a wide range of services to our member unions. Our services are designed to give student unions the tools they need to represent students in decision-making processes and to help them to bring UAS students together and give them a sense of identity. We also want to promote efficient and lawful administration of student unions.

With the exception of individual events, all our services for our member unions are provided free of charge.

Communication services


SAMOK runs an instant messaging service based on Slack technology for student unions. Slack is like an internal network that student unions can use to ask questions and communicate with each other as well as SAMOK’s staff and board members.

SAMOK and its member unions mainly communicate via Slack. The platform is designed to help SAMOK and student union officials, staff, directors and secretaries to communicate effectively with each other. SAMOK has also set up a number of private channels in Slack that enable networking between individuals in similar roles. Slack is a great tool for asking questions and sharing tips and best practices – or just chatting and building better relationships with colleagues!

The link to join Slack can be found in SAMOK Drive.

Mailing list

SAMOK has a mailing list that student unions can use to easily reach both us and all our member unions. The email address is [email protected]. To join the mailing list, please email our Communications and Services Advisor.


We publish a newsletter approximately once a month, which gives you all the latest news on our activities and advocacy as well as important information for UAS students. To get your copy, just join our mailing list.

Storage and file-sharing platform (SAMOK Drive)

We use​Google Drive to keep all our most important documents and resources in one easily accessible place. SAMOK Drive contains, for example, invitations and programmes for all our events as well as a wide range of presentation materials. There is also a special folder for information about lobbying and advocacy, which student unions can use to share their experiences and tips.

Public relations

We regularly post on social media to promote the interests of UAS students. Student unions are free to use our content in their own communications. We are active on the following social media channels:

Facebook @SAMOK.FIN
Twitter @SAMOK_FIN
Instagram @samok_fin

Advice on communications and public relations

For any questions or advice on communications and public relations, please contact our Communications and Services Advisor, who can also help you to run a training course focusing on communications or arrange for a PR consultant or a guest speaker to attend an event at your student union.

The following are examples of topics that our training courses / PR consultants / guest speakers cover:

  • purposeful and effective use of social media
  • communications plans and strategies
  • lobbying and public relations
  • planning and implementation of crisis communications
  • accessible communication

Online discussions

We regularly host online discussions on various themes relating to the running of student unions. Our online discussions are a great opportunity to, for example, exchange views on legislative and political developments that could have an effect on students, to share experiences with resources provided by SAMOK or to run training courses. For more information about upcoming online discussions, see SAMOK Slack and your email.

Data protection liaison officer

For advice on data protection, student unions can contact our Executive Director, who acts as our data protection liaison officer.

Our data protection liaison officer:

  • provides advice on compliance with data protection rules and helps student unions to identify non-compliances, and
  • can help with conducting a data protection impact assessment.
Events and training courses


We run training courses and networking events for the management, staff and officials of our member unions. A list of upcoming training courses can be found on our intranet, and we also advertise our events under Services on our website.

Help and advice on organising events

Events organised by SAMOK as well as our other services for member unions are coordinated by our Communications and Services Advisor, who is happy to help whenever you wish to run a training course or an event at your student union or want a guest speaker to attend your event. Our Communications and Services Advisor can advise and coach you or arrange a guest speaker on the following topics, among others:

  • use of events as a promotional tool
  • project management for event organisers
  • event funding and budgeting, competitive tendering of service providers and drawing up invitations to tender
  • event communications
  • coordination of virtual events


Expert advice

SAMOK employs a team of experts in education and social policy as well as international relations. We can help with your union’s lobbying efforts through training, consultancy and talks at your events. Our experts can advise and coach you or arrange a guest speaker on the following topics, among others:

  • social benefits for students
  • student health care and the Finnish Student Health Service
  • student welfare and coping
  • equality and non-discrimination in student communities
  • empowerment of student representatives
  • feedback systems and quality management
  • impact of European Union law on students in Finland

To book a training course or a guest speaker for your event, please contact our European Policy Advisor, Education Policy Advisor or Social Policy Advisors.

Management consultancy

Financial and human resources management

SAMOK’s finances and human resources management are the responsibility of our Executive Director, who is on hand to help whenever you need tips or advice on financial or human resources management or want a guest speaker to attend an event at your student union. Our Executive Director can advise and coach you on all administrative matters or appear as a guest speaker on the following topics, among others:

  • financial administration, budgeting and accounting
  • human resources management and employment law
  • contract law
  • liability insurance
  • organisational processes