
Student mobility: exchanges and traineeships abroad

SAMOK promotes the internationalisation opportunities of UAS students to offer more students the opportunity to gain international expertise during a mobility period abroad. The number of mobility periods taken by UAS students has decreased considerably in recent years and even before the pandemic.

In particular, tight deadlines for graduation, difficulty of adding a mobility period as part of a degree and the life situations of students with families are reasons that make it difficult for students to go on a mobility period abroad. Financial constraints are another main reason why students do not take up the opportunity to go abroad. We advocate increasing student mobility by informing decision-makers and officials about measures we consider to be solutions to this challenge.

In addition to mobility periods, SAMOK promotes opportunities for internationalisation at home and the definition of the learning outcomes and content of international competence at the national level.

International students in Finland

SAMOK looks after the interests of international students in Finland by influencing especially the speeding up of entry, integration into society and the community, and employment in Finland. In 2022, legislative reforms made it easier for international students to enter and stay in Finland during their studies, but challenges remain.

In particular, identity verification at an embassy or consulate, which is part of the residence permit process, has caused problems as the services are very congested. In addition to challenges with entry into the country, international students do not integrate very well into Finnish society and have more difficulties finding an internship or job compared to Finnish students. Among other themes, we contribute to solving these challenges by meeting decision-makers and presenting our views in various working groups and meetings.

International and EU engagement work (EU, ESU and NOM)

SAMOK is engaged at the European level with active advocacy work in the umbrella organisation, European Students’ Union, and in cooperation with national student organisations in other European countries. Our cooperation is particularly close with other Nordic and Baltic countries, and the national student organisations in these countries are members of the NOM network (Nordisk Ordförande Möte), which meets twice a year.

The most important institutions at European level whose education policy is influenced by SAMOK are the European Union and the Bologna Process (European Higher Education Area). In the EU, SAMOK has a particular impact on the Commission’s education policy initiatives, such as the European Education Area (EEA) and the European Universities network. In its international engagement work, SAMOK meets EU decision-makers and participates in EU-level discussions in various working group in Finland and international forums.

Students at Risk Finland

Together with the National Union of University Students in Finland SYL, SAMOK has established the Students at Risk Finland association. The aim of the association is to offer opportunities to continue studies at a Finnish higher education institution to students acting as human rights advocates who are denied the right to education or other human rights due to their own social activities in their home country. Read more here.

Our advisor on the subject:

Roosa Veijola

Roosa Veijola


050 389 1012
[email protected]

European advocacy, organizational relations