34% of UAS students belong to a student union on average – a report on the state of student unions has been published

National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK has produced a report on the functioning of student unions based on survey data collected in autumn 2023. The report brought together key figures on the activities of student unions, from staff numbers to turnover and membership of interest groups. It also shows how the activities are financed, what kind of membership benefits are offered and what kind of advocacy work the student unions do.

The turnover of student unions ranges from less than 100,000 to almost half a million. Their income comes mainly from membership fees, funding from the University of Applied Sciences (either from a general grant or from purchased services such as the coordination of student tutor activities) and, in a small number of cases, from separate business activities.

The average number of paid staff in student unions is just over three, or 2.5 in person-years. On average, 34% of students in higher education belong to a student union. The influence of the student unions is concentrated on their own higher education institution, but also on local student housing associations and the service areas of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS).

The study was carried out as part of the SAMOK Supporting Student Unions project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Almost all student unions in universities of applied sciences responded to the survey questionnaire.

Find out more about the results of the survey here.

For more information:

Vellu Taskila
Executive Director
044 238 5384
[email protected]