18.04.2024 | Bulletin


Bulletin: Survey on the livelihood and well-being of UAS students

Are you worried about the future? What are your thoughts on the cuts to students’ livelihoods? UAS student, answer SAMOK’s survey and share your thoughts.

The Government decided that, students will be transferred from the general housing allowance to the student housing supplement on 1.8.2025. SAMOK wants to assess the impact of the decision on students’ livelihoods, well-being and future choices. The responses will be used as part of SAMOK’s advocacy and communication activities. The form closes on 28.4.2024.

Answer the survey: https://forms.gle/fG45CKCgc8pVCe4x9

Additional information:

Erica Alaluusua
SAMOK’s Social Policy Advisor
[email protected]
tel. 040 773 1854