15.12.2022 | Uncategorized


SAMOK’s 2023 Board has been organised

The SAMOK Board for 2023 has been organised at its meeting on the 15th of December 2022, with shared responsibilities for education policy, social policy, services, communication and international affairs. In addition to these, the Board has allocated the responsible parties. The Board will allocate the godparent student unions at the beginning of the year.

From 1 January 2023, the Board’s responsibilities will be as follows:

Joonas Soukkio, President
Leadership – political lobbying and ESU

Diana Muraskina, Vice President
Leadership – political lobbying and services

Adel Rizvi, Board Member
Services and EU

Halla Kokkonen, Board Member
Social policy and equality

Minni Takala, Board Member
Education Policy and International Affairs (ESU)

Oona Pappila, Board Member
Communication and Community

Responsibilities for implementing the Action Plan will be clarified after the turn of the year, when the work of the Board will begin.

Contact details and responsibilities will be updated in the contact section of our website in January, when the new Board starts its term. Emails for new board members are already active and will take the form [email protected].