23.05.2023 | Blog


Blog: Unlocking Finland’s Potential – Embracing Education-Based Immigration for a Brighter Future

The new government must prioritise education-based immigration, enacting policies that attract and support international students, researchers, and skilled professionals.

Education-based immigration plays a crucial role in shaping Finland’s future, offering numerous benefits and opportunities for the country’s growth and development. By attracting highly skilled individuals, Finland can cultivate a workforce that excels in various sectors and remains globally competitive. Recognizing the value these talented individuals bring, we must take decisive actions to harness their potential.

Innovation and research are vital for progress, and education-based immigration injects fresh perspectives, diverse educational backgrounds, and research experience into Finland’s academic and scientific communities. Embracing this influx of knowledge and expertise fosters innovation, drives technological advancements, and propels industries forward.

The impact of education-based immigration on our economy cannot be underestimated. Immigrants with higher education qualifications act as catalysts for economic growth, infusing our society with new ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, and business acumen. By creating an environment that encourages their contributions, we ignite innovation, generate job opportunities, and fuel economic prosperity for all.

Cultural diversity should be celebrated, as education-based immigration brings inherent social benefits along with its advantages. As someone who has personally experienced the transformative power of diversity, having grown up with different cultures and experienced Finnish society as a refugee, an immigrant, and a Finnish citizen of non-Finnish origin, I have witnessed the positive impact. Welcoming immigrants with higher education qualifications enriches our social fabric, fosters intercultural understanding, and fuels innovation, creativity, and mutual prosperity. Let us recognize the immense value of diversity and leverage it to strengthen global connections and collaborations for a brighter future.

Facing the challenges of an ageing population and declining birth rates, education-based immigration offers a solution for Finland. Replenishing our workforce and contributing to the tax base, immigrants with educational qualifications can help overcome these demographic hurdles. By embracing education-based immigration, recognizing contributions, and fostering inclusivity, we build a harmonious society that benefits us all. Let’s celebrate diversity and work together for a brighter tomorrow.

To fully realise the benefits, we must address existing challenges. Streamlining processes and enhancing accessibility and efficiency are crucial. Therefore, embracing the adoption of digital identification services holds the potential to expedite entry processes, remove unnecessary delays, and reduce costs for aspiring students and professionals.

Integration is key to the success of international students in our society. Breaking down language barriers and combatting biases that hinder employment prospects is essential. Recognizing the immense value international graduates bring, employers should create incentives and opportunities for them to flourish and contribute their talents and experiences to our workforce.

It is time for change. The new government must prioritise education-based immigration, enacting policies that attract and support international students, researchers, and skilled professionals. By doing so, we build a stronger, more vibrant nation that sets an example for the world. The future of Finland is in our hands, and it is time to shape it with purpose and determination.

Together, let us build an open, diverse, and innovative Finland. Embracing education-based immigration as a catalyst for progress and change, we create a stronger nation that leads by example. The future of Finland is bright, and with purpose and determination, we will shape it for the better.

Writer: Adel Rizvi, board member