27.03.2023 | Blog

Adel Rizvi

The Election is here, now is your chance to make a difference

The advance voting for the 2023 parliamentary elections began last week 22.3 and will last till tomorrow 28.3, and the official voting day will be on 2.4. This is the best time to address why international students with Finnish citizenship should vote.

We, students, are one of the most important demographics in this country. We make up 5.83% of the population, which means 324 930 people. Yet during the 2019 parliamentary elections, we were 28.8% of the votes whilst the voting rate in total was 72.1%. That puts student votes a bit under a third of the whole amount. It shows how much influential power every student’s vote has.

You should know about what is at stake. By not voting, we risk a government that is not higher-education or student-friendly. This means that the higher education sector is highly likely to get budget cuts. Thus, we at SAMOK with SYL have our campaign Above the Poverty Line. In the campaign, we demand an increase of 100€ to the study grant. We talk about the improvement of funds in the higher education sector. And also about the connection between student finances and their mental health and well-being.

There are several reasons why we students should vote during parliamentary elections. We are a significant demographic in this country, and our voices have to be represented in government. In voting, we ensure that our concerns and issues are considered by the elected officials.

Voting is a way for us students to exercise our democratic rights and participate in the political process. By taking part in elections you make a difference in your communities and the country as a whole.

The policies and decisions made by elected officials can have an impact on our lives, both now and in the future. By voting, we can help ensure that the government is working in our best interests and taking steps to create a better future for all.

If you are a Finnish citizen, I highly recommend you exercise your right to vote. And if you are not a Finnish citizen, I have a major request from you. Encourage the people in your life who have Finnish citizenships to vote for a better future for students in this country.

Writer: Adel Rizvi, SAMOK executive board member