28.10.2024 | Blog


Candidate blog: When I am at the rock bottom — Where do I find the strength to continue?

When you suddenly lose a loved one, and then another, it feels like the ground is pulled from beneath your feet. The world collapses on you, and it seems impossible to keep going. When, with your last bit of strength, you seek help and are met at the doors of health services with responses like “we can’t help” or “your situation isn’t urgent,” what can you do? You don’t want to burden society or consume its resources—surely, someone else needs them more than you. What, then, keeps you going?

At that moment, a community finds you and welcomes you with open arms. They may not have experienced what you’re going through, but they show you that they care. Your life takes on new meaning, and finally, you have something that keeps you afloat. Being part of the community is exhausting at first, but eventually, you start to feel more normal. You begin discovering strengths and skills within yourself that you hadn’t noticed before. You learn that you matter and that people genuinely care about you. You are not that disgusting, useless, and helpless person you see in the mirror. Finally, you see your own worth and significance.

Students face the same crises and hardships as everyone else. That’s why I don’t understand why the future of Finland is being cut, and why we gamble with people’s lives. But today, I’m not here to write about that. I want to talk about a revitalizing factor that can help during crises and hardships, and also work as a preventative measure: Community and sense of community.

So, what is the sense of community? It is made up of elements like belonging, interaction, trust, and social relationships. The feeling of togetherness is strengthened by shared values, interests, and goals. The word “community” often goes hand in hand with togetherness and sense of community. Communities are essential in creating that feeling of belonging, and thus, they should not be overlooked. For example, in SAMOK, the desire to impact student issues can create a strong sense of community. Community fosters social capital and inclusion, which are crucial for a person’s well-being. It can also provide support and security, which are especially vital during crises and difficult life situations.

Do you remember how, as a child, you were encouraged to keep playing after a fall? How you were urged to keep trying new foods until you learned to like them? Similar encouragement can come from communities: to keep going, to explore, and to learn. Community can also support a person’s development, thereby helping them improve their skills and boost their confidence. This is an important aspect if we want someone to be an active participant in society. Without the supportive and encouraging environment created by communities, many people may fall through the cracks of society.

I know how it feels to be left alone, which is why I want to create opportunities for others to participate, experience, and make a difference. If no one had believed in me, I wouldn’t be writing this now. Even small actions can have a massive impact on others. A single smile or an encouraging words can change someone’s life.

When I was at my lowest, a community found me by chance. I became involved almost by accident, and I could never have imagined that the community would become a key factor in my life. It was a safe space to learn new things without fear of judgment. I discovered skills and strengths in myself that I hadn’t known existed. I learned that I could make a difference, and I didn’t need to live under others’ feet.

Of course, not all communities are the same, but the sense of togetherness can change lives—and even the world. While traveling, I’ve met many strangers, and I’d argue that there’s always something that connects us. Whether it’s a shared experience with a fellow solo traveler in a hostel or a conversation with a pub owner about astronauts who’ve visited their pub, there’s always a point of connection.

I believe that everyone can find communities all over the world. Whether it’s a sewing club, your school’s student association, or your union, the importance of community and togetherness is universal. So, I want to remind you, dear reader, that there are many communities where you are welcome. Be brave and step into the unknown once in a while. Even houseplants need to be repotted into bigger flowerpots to grow. Could this be your time to explore what new flowerpots there are waiting for you?

Author: Jasmin Salmi, candidate for SAMOK Board member for 2025

During the autumn, candidates for the SAMOK Board of Directors for 2025 will be presented on the SAMOK blog and on social media. For more information about the General Assembly, click here.