SAMOK’s anti-harassment liaison officers
The SAMOK anti-harassment liaison officers for 2024 will be Erica Alaluusua, Veeti Mieskonen, Linda Vallenius and Janina Brunfeldt. Their contact details can be found below. You can also contact them via the contact form, if necessary anonymously.
Erica Alaluusua
Students’ social security and benefit systems, student housing, equality
Godparent to Student Unions: OSAKO, Kamo, Laureamko
Veeti Mieskonen
Administration and Program Advisor
Administration and event production
Godparent to Student Unions: JAMKO, Humako
Elina Liekkinen
Education policy, international students
Godparent to Student Unions: Laureamko, ASK, Novium, SkÅHla, Poka
Ilona Hirvonen
International organisational relations, EU, services, fundraising
Godparent to Student Unions: O’Diako, Tamko, HAMKO, Samo, VAMOK
SAMOK operates a Code of Conduct. For example, at events, participants agree to this when they register. The Code of Conduct is also reviewed at the beginning of each event. SAMOK’s Code of Conduct and safer spaces in SAMOK’s activities can be found in the Documents section.
SAMOK has two full-time harassment liaison officers who can be contacted on any matter relating to SAMOK’s activities.
Anti-Harassment Liaison Officers are trained individuals whose role is to provide a confidential way to report and deal with harassment at events and other SAMOK activities. Where appropriate, anti-harassment liaison officers will be selected separately for each event and introduced to the participants. The harassment liaison officers will discuss the incident with the person experiencing harassment and agree on possible follow-up actions. All situations will be treated confidentially and no action will be taken without the consent of the person experiencing harassment.
SAMOK works to prevent harassment and discrimination in the following ways:
- Code of Conduct
- Anti-harassment liaison officers
- Anonymous form for participants at events
- Equality training
- Coaching for board and staff
- During January, SAMOK will appoint two anti-harassment liaison officers for the rest of the year.
- The harassment liaison officers can be either employees or trustees. The two persons will be of different genders.
- Planning meetings and team-building among the whole work community
- Collective action in the field of occupational health and safety to prevent harassment and discrimination