SAMOK’s supporting members

On this page you will find a list of SAMOK’s supporting members. When you join, you can choose whether you want your name or the name of your community to appear on the website. You can change this choice later by contacting SAMOK.

Join SAMOK as a supporting member by clicking here and show your support for the student community today!

Supporting members:

Businesses and communities:

  • Trade Union Pro


  • Matti Aho
  • Ida Flemmich
  • Nenna Hakala
  • Miika Hiltunen
  • Iiris Hynönen
  • Maria Jokinen
  • Lauri Kujala
  • Santeri Kujanpää
  • Lassi Laakso
  • Rico Martikainen
  • Armi Murto
  • Aleksi Niemi
  • Adel Rizvi
  • Tarja Rossi
  • Joona Räsänen
  • Joonas Soukkio