Julia Väänänen

Julia Väänänen is the candidate for the 2025 SAMOK Board Chair.

Julia is from the Tampere University of Applied Sciences student union TAMKO, and has served this year as chair of the Tamko board.

Why are you running for the SAMOK’s Board?

I knew already in the spring that there was a huge fire to do advocacy work, and I wanted to channel it into national advocacy. My time at Tamko has given me a wealth of experience and understanding of the lives and challenges of students. The situation of students is constantly deteriorating and the work to improve the situation must not stop now.

Responsibilities are also divided among the presidency in different ways depending on the year. What issues would you be particularly interested in in the Bureau’s area of responsibility?

I am particularly interested in political influencing and leadership. I have experience across all sectors, so I can support and give room for each boardmember to express themselves in their area of responsibility.

What kind of networks do you have and what kind of networker are you?

One of SAMOK’s most important tasks is to carry out strong advocacy work. I have a huge number of social networks and contacts, both with stakeholders and decision-makers. I am still looking for a party political home, but at the moment and during the SAMOK year, I will actively use my networks in a wide range of ways for the benefit of all students.

What kind of political lobbying experience do you have? For example, experience in lobbying.

TAMK has a tradition of meeting with decision-makers on a regular basis, and I have often taken part in these meetings. I have also been active in local lobbying, participating in the R35 city influencing workgroup and working on a joint County and municipal election program. I have also been networking and lobbying together with stakeholders and unions.

What kind of leadership experience do you have and what kind of leader do you aspire to be?

During my time on the board, I have been responsible for internal development, large scale projects and trustees. I strive to lead by example, giving everyone the space and support to do, experiment and develop. I want to develop the activity first and foremost by leading people but making sure that the workload does not become a drain on the well-being of the people.

Tell us why you should be elected to the SAMOK Board.

My experience and skills, combined with my passion for working for the well-being of students, are exactly what we need in the coming year. I should be elected because I am ready to work for a united UAS student movement!

What else would you like to tell us?

Hey! I’m Julia and I’m running for chairperson of SAMOK. Last year I was on the board, responsible for all tutoring at TAMK. This year, in addition to being chairperson, I’ve been deputizing the executive director for several months. In all my positions, I’ve had the opportunity to develop both myself and my sector, being responsible for the big picture and leading the trustees.

I believe that my strong expertise, my years of experience in both advocacy and organisational leadership, and my ability to learn and develop are what SAMOK needs in the coming year. As chairperson, I want to support the whole board in our joint work and to be part of joining forces with the student movement for effective advocacy. I am ready to work hard for this student movement and to give it all my skills.

Read more from my candidate letter!

Contact info:

Instagram: juliavaananen
Email: [email protected]