Sanja Laitinen-Lindelöf

Sanja Laitinen-Lindelöf is a candidate for the position of Vice-Chair of the SAMOK Board for 2025.

Sanja is from O´Diako, The Student Union of Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, and has served this year as chair of the O´Diako board.

Why are you running for the SAMOK’s Board?

Securing the quality in the students’ livelihood, housing and services are a clear contribution to their mental health and thus support the sustainability of our future working life. I want to bring more transparent communication and pedagogical planning to SAMOK’s activities, and help building towards even more equal services and participation possibilities for the entire student union field.

Responsibilities are also divided among the presidency in different ways depending on the year. What issues would you be particularly interested in in the Bureau’s area of responsibility?

Primarily social policy. Secondly, communication, equality, services and international organization relations. These themes are closely related to my education and experience as a worker and a student.

What kind of networks do you have and what kind of networker are you?

My networks are regionally wide, especially within the third sector and the higher education institution community. As a networker, I can be relaxed, adaptable and considerate, future- and solution-oriented person.

What kind of political lobbying experience do you have? For example, experience in lobbying.

As a student representative of our iniversity’s Ltd. board, and a trustee, I have been involved in different ministerial and official staff meetings. In the board of our student union, I have written statements and developed our cooperation agreements, as well as created better connections between the students and the university.

What kind of leadership experience do you have and what kind of leader do you aspire to be?

My experience in management is from leading teams and projects, as a professional and the chairperson of our board. In my professional life, I have worked in the field of early childhood and family work, and led a marketing team focused on product development and advertising. As a leader, I see great value in being present, and supporting each team member’s individual participation possibilities by leading with coaching and information.

Tell us why you should be elected to the SAMOK Board.

I am an efficient, enthusiastic, people-oriented and eager to learn more. My professional and educational background combined with my versatile experience in the student union field, have given me good combination of experience to develop and support SAMOK’s activities.

What else would you like to tell us?

Uncertainties related to students housing and livelihood, harmful norms, lack of appreciation of different fields and challenges in accessing services will only lead to an increasing amount of issues in students well being – and inevitably in the well being of workplaces. Our society’s carrying capacity requires long-term endurance from future generations, and supporting it requires an investment in students’ well being now.

Before my current role, I have been a tutor, a board member (responsible for the board’s international affairs and tutoring), and a vice chair of the board. What really awakened my passion for student advocacy was my time as a chairperson of our Pieksämäki campus, as it had long suffered from the challenges of regional accessibility.

Contact info:

Instagram: sanjasamokiin
LinkedIn: Sanja Laitinen-Lindelöf
Email: [email protected]