Elina Liekkinen

Elina Liekkinen is a candidate for Vice-Chair of the SAMOK Board and member of the Board for 2025.

Elina is from HUMAKO, Student Union of Humak University of Applied Sciences, and has served this year as Chair of the HUMAKO Board.

Why are you running for the SAMOK’s Board?

During my studies I have noticed how in discussions about education policy universities of applied sciences are unfortunately often overshadowed by universities. I want to be involved in raising the appreciation of education at universities of applied sciences, improving the societal status of UAS students and advocating for the development of UAS education.

Responsibilities are also divided among the presidency in different ways depending on the year. What issues would you be particularly interested in in the Bureau’s area of responsibility?

I am particularly interested in leading various processes as well as facilitating different types of meetings and gatherings.

The responsibilities and combinations of responsibilities on the SAMOK Board vary from year to year. Which areas of responsibility are of primary interest to you? And what are your secondary interests? Please explain.

Primarily I am interested in education policy and secondarily in the international sector. I am particularly interested in themes related to international student policy

What kind of networks do you have and what kind of networker are you?

I have several years of experience in the youth organization field, both on the local and national levels. My networks extend not only within the student sector but also into political circles. Networking comes naturally to me and I always strive to take advantage of opportunities whenever possible.

What kind of political lobbying experience do you have? For example, experience in lobbying.

During my career in organizations I have become familiar with writing various statements, organizing demonstrations and coordinating different campaigns. My years in the student union, along with close collaboration with the management of UAS, have also taught me lobbying and negotiation skills.

What kind of leadership experience do you have and what kind of leader do you aspire to be?

I have served as a chair of small local associations as well as the chairperson of the student union council. As a leader I strive to be firm and goal-oriented while at the same time an approachable, kind and relaxed colleague.

Tell us why you should be elected to the SAMOK Board.

I have strong experience in organizations and leadership as well as an understanding of how political decision-making works in Finland. I want to contribute my expertise to advancing the interests of universities of applied sciences and UAS students on a national level.

What else would you like to tell us?

I want to help ensure that SAMOK is both a bold and constructive advocate for students as well as a unifying umbrella organization that serves the needs of student unions. I believe it’s important that student unions find SAMOK approachable and its operations open and transparent. These goals could be advanced, for example, by improving SAMOK’s mentorship program and communication.

I am a passionate follower of national politics, a long-time organization activist and a single parent to one cat. I study community pedagogy in organizational and youth work at Humak’s Jyväskylä campus. Professionally I am interested in strengthening young people’s societal engagement and developing civil society.

Contact info:

Instagram: liekkielina
LinkedIn: Elina Liekkinen
Email: [email protected]