Material Bank
Lapinrinne 2 | 00180 HELSINKI
samok (a)
first name.last name (a)
samok (a)
first name.last name (a)
Business ID: 1056678-8
Domicile: Helsinki
E-invoicing address: 003710566788
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
In our material bank you will find some versions of our logo, photos and our graphic guidelines. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need our materials in another format, please contact [email protected]. On social media, we use the tags #samok_fin, #AMKopiskelijat and #ylpeästiAMK. The documents guiding SAMOK’s activities can be found on the documents page.
SAMOK-logos (png-format)
- SAMOK logo, black-orange
- SAMOK logo, white-orange
- SAMOK-logo, black
- SAMOK-logo, white
- SAMOK-logo, fi explanatory text black-orange
- SAMOK-logo, sv explanatory text black-orange
- SAMOK-logo, en explanatory text black-orange
- SAMOK-logo, fi, sv, en explanatory text white
- SAMOK-logo, fi, sv, en explanatory text black
Please mention the name of the photographer with the photos. For more photos of the Board and staff, please contact [email protected].